
Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln’s research focuses on the analysis of household saving and labor supply behavior, and the endogeneity of preferences.


Good Bye Lenin Revisited: East-West Preferences Three Decades After German Reunification
with Mariia Bondar
German Economic Review, 24(1), 2023

The Fiscal and Welfare Effects of Policy Responses to the Covid-19 School Closures
with Dirk Krueger, André Kurmann, Etienne Lalé, Alexander Ludwig and Irina Popova
IMF Economic Review, 71(1), 2023

Reassessing Economic Constraints: Maximum Employment or Maximum Hours?
with Alexander Bick and Adam Blandin
Proceedings of the Jackson Hole Economic Policy Symposium, 2022

Covid-Induced School Closures in the United States and Germany: Long-Term Distributional Effects
Economic Policy, 37(112), 2022

Structural Change in Labor Supply and Cross-Country Differences in Hours Worked
with Alexander Bick, David Lagakos and Hitoshi Tsujiyama
Journal of Monetary Economics, 130, 2022

The Long Term Distributional and Welfare Effects of Covid-19 School Closures
with Dirk Krueger, Alexander Ludwig and Irina Popova
Economic Journal, 132(645), 2022

Participation Following Sudden Access
with Michalis Haliassos
Journal of Monetary Economics, 117, 2021
Online Appendix

The Long-Term Effects of Communism in Eastern Europe
with Matthias Schündeln
Journal of Economic Perspectives, 34(2), 2020
Online Appendix

Cultural Determinants of Household Saving Behavior
with Paolo Masella and Hannah Paule-Paludkiewicz
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 85(5), 2020

Long-term Changes in Married Couples’ Labor Supply and Taxes: Evidence from the US and Europe Since the 1980s
with Alexander Bick, Bettina Brüggemann and Hannah Paule-Paludkiewicz
Journal of International Economics, 118, 2019
Online Appendix, Tax Codes

Hours Worked in Europe and the US: New Data, New Answers
with Alexander Bick and Bettina Brüggemann
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 121(4), 2019
Online Appendix, Data Set

Data Revisions of Aggregate Hours Worked: Implications for the Europe-US Hours Gap
with Alexander Bick and Bettina Brüggemann
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review, 101(1), 2019
Online Appendix

Taxation and Labor Supply of Married Couples across Countries: A Macroeconomic Analysis
with Alexander Bick
Review of Economic Studies, 85(3), 2018
Online Appendix

How Do Hours Worked Vary with Income? Cross-Country Evidence and Implications
with Alexander Bick and David Lagakos
American Economic Review, 108(1), 2018
Online Appendix, Data Set

Quantifying the Disincentive Effects of Joint Taxation on Married Women’s Labor Supply
with Alexander Bick
American Economic Review Papers & Proceedings, 107(5), 2017

Natural Experiments in Macroeconomics
with Tarek A. Hassan
in: Taylor, John B. and Harald Uhlig (eds.):
Handbook of Macroeconomics, Elsevier, Vol. 2a, 2016, 923-1012.
Online Appendix, Slides
Teaching Materials: Slides, Handout, Latex Code

Long-Lasting Effects of Socialist Education
with Paolo Masella
Review of Economics and Statistics, 98(3), 2016
Online Appendix

The Role of Borders, Languages, and Currencies as Obstacles to Labor Market Integration
with Kevin Bartz
European Economic Review, 56(6), 2012

Explaining the Low Labor Productivity in East Germany – A Spatial Analysis
with Rima Izem
Journal of Comparative Economics, 40(1), 2012

Inequality Trends for Germany in the Last Two Decades: A Tale of Two Countries
with Dirk Krueger and Mathias Sommer
Review of Economic Dynamics, 13(1), 2010

Who Stays, Who Goes, Who Returns? East-West Migration within Germany since Reunification
with Matthias Schündeln
Economics of Transition, 17(3), 2009

On Preferences for Being Self-Employed
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 71(2), 2009

The Response of Household Saving to the Large Shock of German Reunification
American Economic Review, 98(5), 2008

Good Bye Lenin (Or Not?): The Effect of Communism on People’s Preferences
with Alberto Alesina
American Economic Review, 97(4), 2007

Precautionary Savings and Self-Selection: Evidence from the German Reunification ‘Experiment’
with Matthias Schündeln
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 120(3), 2005

Stock Market Liberalizations: Financial and Macroeconomic Implications
with Norbert Funke
Review of World Economics, 139 (4), 2003

The Savings Behavior of East and West Germans – Theoretical Predictions and Empirical Evidence
with Matthias Schündeln
Schmollers Jahrbuch, 123(1), 2003

L’insoutenable légèreté de l’euro
with Laurence Boone, Alain de Serres and Vincent Koen
Economie Internationale, 88(4), 2002, 77-106;
also available as Tracking the Euro, OECD Economics Department Working Paper, No. 298, June 2001

Working Papers

Forward-Looking Labor Supply Responses to Changes in Pension Wealth: Evidence from Germany
with Elisabeth Artmann and Giulia Giupponi

Work in Progress

Does the Gender Composition of an Occupation Affect Wages?
with Alexandra Spitz-Oener

Gender Gaps in the ERC Evaluation Process
with Felix Holub

On Sandwiches and Club-Sandwiches: Institutions, Longevity and Fertility
with Lidia Cruces, Alexander Ludwig and Teresa Schildmann

The Effect of Reducing Schooling on Education and Labor Market Outcomes in Germany
with Nina Buchmann


Statusbericht zum Frauenanteil in der Volkswirtschaftslehre an deutschen Universitäten
with Guido Friebel and Alisa Weinberger
Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 22(2), 2021

Bei drei Vierteln der erwerbstätigen Eltern ist die Belastung durch Kinderbetreuung in der Covid-19-Pandemie gestiegen
with Gesine Stephan
IAB Forum, August 2020

The Short-Run Macro Implications of School and Child-Care Closures
with Moritz Kuhn and Michèle Tertilt
Discussion Paper 14882

Gender structure of paper submissions at the Review of Economic Studies during COVID-19: First evidence